For general assistance, you may contact us by any of the following methods:
Phone FAX and E-mail
Phone: (208) 426-1577
FAX: (208) 426-4001
Mailing Address
Office of Communications and Marketing
1910 University Drive, Alumni and Friends Center
Boise, Idaho 83725-1055
Office Hours
We are currently available by appointment only. Please email or the individual you wish to meet with to arrange a meeting.
Our Team
Lauren Griswold
Chief Communications and Marketing Officer
Sherry Squires
Deputy AVP for Communications, Marketing and Creative Strategy
Jenny Barlow
Director of Communications and Marketing Operations
Kristen Brevik
Marketing Operations Coordinator
Heather Calkins
Director of Special Events and Protocol
Matt Crook
Video Specialist
Stephany Galbreaith
Director of Media Relations
Priscilla Grover
Assistant Manager for Visual Services
Amber High
Digital Marketing Senior Manager
Office of Communications and Marketing -
Ann Hottinger
Graphic Designer / Senior Manager
Spencer Jahn
Trademark Licensing Specialist
Matt Jones
Communications Specialist
Melinda Keckler
Director of Marketing
John Kelly
Manager of Visual Services
Crystal McBrayer
Creative Director
Mikayla Mitzel
Manager of University Special Events
Brianne Phillips
Research Communications Manager
George Thoma
Manager of Strategic Communications
Anna Webb
Senior Communications Specialist, Content Strategy